
The bus

Louise is a 2002 Thomas Saf-T-Liner retired school bus from Kenton County in Alexandria, KY. She is named after the Mipso song; “Everything about it takes a little luck, The gears rumble and the left door's stuck, It doesn't come with any guarentees, but there's gas in the tank, Louise!”


David & Christine

Pet pharmacist & Stay-at-home dog mom

Yes, you read that right. Christine is a stay-at-home dog mom like all those sarcastic t-shirts say. David is a pharmacist where he has 7 days of work, followed by 7 days off. We’ve decided to take full advantage of the 26 weeks of vacation, adventuring with our dogs and doing all the sports.



16 years old

Lena is our niece. In 2019 we started fostering her and made it permanent in 2020. She’s 17 years old, loves her dog Marvel and their favorite sport is agility.


Delilah Grace

Boston Terrier - 6 years old

Delilah is the light of our family. She makes everyone smile and is always ready for adventure. Her unlimited energy is what inspired us to become more outdoorsy. Delilah could hike 6-7 miles and not miss a beat. She has never met a person she didn’t like and lives to be the center of attention. Ball is life and her best friend is her Ikea pig. She’s a daddy’s girl through and through… until she wants to nap…mom’s lap is the *best* place to nap.


Maisie Lee

Boston Terrier - 5 years old

Maisie is Christine’s little assistant manager and best helper. She loves the backyard hose and being kayak captain. She’s the sworn enemy of the hair dryer and will battle anything that makes loud noises. There really isn’t anything that she does that doesn’t make us smile. She’s also the best cuddler in the house, and not-so-secretly a mama’s girl.



Border Collie - 5 years old

Jett is the calming presence we needed in our crazy house. She can match the Bostons in intensity but also knows when it’s time to take a break. We look forward to many relaxing camping days with Jett laying at our feet.


Nessa Rose

Border Collie - 4 years old

Nessa is the most perfect unicorn. I’ve never met a dog that has so few flaws, I can’t even remember them off the top of my head. She is Christine’s service dog and absolute best friend. We call her the package deal because they do everything together, mostly because she makes it all possible.



Border Collie - 3 years old

Marvel is our 16 year old niece’s dog.



Border Collie - 2 years old

I was DONE getting new dogs. We had too many, I didn’t need more, and then I got the message, “Charlie has been bred, we’re expecting puppies in February.” Jett’s dad, Charlie, and my dream dog, was siring another litter. And thus Merit came to be. I wanted a perfect boy to pick up the spot Bubs holds in my heart. A big dog that could take up the space in the bed when David’s not home. Merit is just that. A huge momma’s boy, a pleaser, and quite the snuggler. He’s also our most promising sport dog. Going to 2 national competitions this year!



Border Collie - 2 years old

If I thought I was done after Merit, where does Winsome come in in the story?? It all goes back to Charlie. We wanted a female that we could breed to Charlie and carry on his lines. In walks Winsome, the most beautiful girl. She’s all border collie, with the pinch of spook and all the drive for working. She’s not a fan of agility but lives for disc and shows a ton of promise in the other sports. At night, she lays her sweet head right on my chest and would just let me pet her forever.



Border Collie - 5 months old

But, Merit was the last and then Winsome was????? Well, I got a message about Jett’s full sister from her litter being bred, and didn’t you know I couldn’t resist! Twyla is Charlie’s lines with some cattle working border collie thrown in there. And man can you see it. Twyla is quite literally the definition of joy and I’m completely attributing the sweetness to picking a name that wasn’t nearly as fiery as I wanted to. She’s pushy but takes correction, and has that one thing that I absolutely love about Jett, she wants to be right. Always.



Rescue Mix - 14 years old

Bubs was our second pup, and the oldest one still living. He was super close with Callie, and now definitely gives off the grumpy old man vibe, dealing with all these crazy little siblings. He will fiercely defend his family so his sweet side is often hidden from those outside the pack. He’s been quite happy embracing the nickname, Bus Bubs because he is LIVING this traveling life!




Monster is the original. She’s pretty much a stubborn teenager, who wants her way. It’s up to her if we’re allowed to be in her presence, but that makes her love that much more special when she decides to give it. Our first (and last) feline fur baby.



Whippet Mix - (2011-2020)

Bones became a member of our family when it was realized that she needed a backyard and someone who was home more often. She’s still working through some of her anxieties and we’re still learning about her personality. We do know that she loves hugs, hiking, elk antlers and being held like a baby.


Calliope Mae “Callie”

Border Collie Mix - (2005-2018)

Callie was Christine’s first dog and helped her “choose” David when they first met. She was a Border Collie mix that was an extremely gentle soul. She was there through all our poorest, toughest moments; through all the years of school and apartment life. She didn’t get to go on as many adventures as we would have liked her to experience, but she didn’t seem to mind. She was happiest in our lap. She passed away at the age of 13 from an aggressive form of lymphoma, months before we purchased the bus. She will always be our angel, watching over us.