A. Christine searched for months on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, Ebay, government auction sites, and bus sales sites until just the right bus popped up. A young, single mother posted her bus on Facebook Marketplace that she had already started converting but was going to be unable to finish. We were interested because it came with lumber, water tanks, and other things for us to use on our own build out. We drove to Alexandria, KY to pick up Louise.

Q. What type of bus do you have?

A. Louise is a 2002 Thomas Saf-T-Liner.

Q. How much did you pay for your bus?

A. We paid $3200 for our bus.

Q. Do you live full-time in your bus?

A. We don’t currently live full-time in our bus. David is a pharmacist for 7 straight days every other week. Luckily, that works out to 26 weeks of vacation per year. It was this job schedule that convinced us to finally take the plunge into tiny living and traveling.

Q. How many dogs do you have?

A. We have 9 dogs. Bubs, Delilah, Maisie, Jett, Nessa, Marvel, Merit, Winsome, and Twyla.

Q. What sports do you do with your dogs?

A. We train and compete in barn hunt, dock diving, fast cat, agility, herding, and disc.