Helping Shelter Dogs Smile: Lolly

Update: Lolly has been adopted and is doing amazing in her new home!

Lolly has been our absolute favorite field trip dog…so much so that we brought her home to foster until she finds her forever family!

This girl was found as a stray so there’s not much we really know about her. We can tell that she’s had a few litters of pups from how her underside hangs, her ears were scissored off, she has scars all over her face that the fur never grew back in, and a circle scar on her bottom that looks like it could have potentially been a gun wound. There is obviously no way we’ll ever know what she’s actually been through and from her personality, you’d think she’s always only known love. Lolly is the perfect example of how shelter dogs can live through hell and still love a forgive humans.


Look at the smile!

How could you not want to love her forever?


Lolly is currently doing trials with a potential adopter and we will update when or if anything becomes official!