Day 12: Demo Day 1!

It seems like most skoolie builds start with a bus that still has the seats and everything has to be pulled out just to be able to do the conversion. Our bus was already started. We liked this idea because, gosh did we not want to have to pull those seats out, but also, our bus came with all the lumber and materials the previous owner had purchased to convert the bus. I mean, good idea right? Well, it didn’t stop us from wanting to know what was under the floor that had already been insulated and for whatever reason covered in plywood. So…demo day. We had to pull out all the materials being stored in the bus, which of course is way more than you would think could fit in 180 sq. ft., then unscrew the pre-built bunk beds, closet and bathroom walls, remove the plywood floor and scrape up the insulation.

Doing demolition is much easier when you don’t have 4 dogs ( 2 of ours were at school and our friend’s dog was visiting) running around. They’re all so curious about what we’re doing. We joke that they’re the “perfect” little helpers. Even with all the craziness, we managed to get everything out, most of the insulation pulled up, and things organized. Now that we have the right measurements of the inside of our bus, we’ve decided to relax and spend the rest of the night drawing up floor plans together on the couch. Such a satisfying and successful day!

Christine Natale