Day 13: Demo Day 2!

Demo day 2 started off easy. We pulled up the rest of the insulation, I broke it down to throw out, and David scraped up the glue that was left over. When we had gotten the floor to a good point, David decided that we should also see what was behind the side panels and roof. I had already found a post on Skoolie Nation about the type of tool needed to remove the screws from the panels without having to grind off the heads. We used a square #2 drill bit with our Ryobi Impact Drill and each one came out with little resistance. The impact drill helps break up the dried on paint and release the screws without doing damage to them. But then we got to the rivets… By this time I was ready for a break and suggested we do some research on how to get them off properly. What did my man of a husband do next, you ask? He grabbed a crowbar. Literally made me smack my head. Why is it always just, “let’s try this?” Because I’m the sensible one, I convinced him to take a break and get ready for our friends to come over for game night. We’ve since researched and found some better ways to go about this part and hopefully we won’t be using a crowbar.